
Erotic Electronics

image by Veronica V. Jones

Sexiest. Robot. Ever.

Bjork as a sexy robot being assembled.
This robot is very nearly anatomically correct.
Robot Bjork holding and kissing another Robot Bjork.
Robot bjork before she's fully dressed... er, assembled..
Robot Bjork passionately kissing another Robot Bjork.

When I first read Scaramouch’s recent article The Top Ten Sexiest Female Robots, his list seemed to fall a little short. Sure, many of the mechanical marvels he mentioned were beautiful, but none ever really inspired me to forgo the pleasures of the flesh. A few hours later, I realized the problem: he had failed to cite the sexiest robot ever.

Under the bizarre, yet inspired direction of Chris Cunningham, Bjork — as industrial-strength lesbian love machine — put all other techno love dolls to shame in her music video All Is Full of Love. To deny this fact is to deny robot lust itself.

To quell any remaining doubt, please reference Scaramouch’s Third Law of Robotics and note that Bjorkbot does have really perky breasts.

Written by in February of 2006. Last edited February 2020.

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