
Metahuman Marvels

image by johnathan darkly

Frédéric Augis

If the eyes are the windows of the soul, then the surreal, sensual figures found in the portfolio of Frédéric Augis pose a troublesome quandary. Are these demonic darlings actually attractive automatons, masked maidens, or glamorous gods? You’ll get no answers from them.

Some of Mr Augis’ subjects appear merely superhuman, confidently surveying their environment. Other entities are barely human at all, only adopting a few of the more pleasing shapes of mortality, while clearly possessing power undreamt of by mere mortals.

Of all of the metahuman aspects of these fantastic creatures, their faces are often what belies their unhumanity… their otherworldly nature. This metamorphosis makes them at once both less and more than human, both unfathomable and irresistible. While these mysteries have no answers, the quandary they pose is certainly a pleasurable one.

Written by in November of 2010. Last edited July 2022.

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