
Shy Seductive Sprites

image by johnathan darkly

Soa Lee

A pretty bond woman wearing a flimsy yellow dress sits in a swing.
A beautiful woman with long pointed ears and a reavealing while blouse.
A pale woman wearing elaborate jewelry and a revealing greek robe holds a small scorpion in her hand.

While we all may merely be the sum of our experiences and idiosyncrasies, the best creative talents can combine these scattered influences to create entirely new worlds of fantasy. Soa Lee is one such creator. Her beautiful visions of traditional epic fantasy are infused with a decidedly middle-kingdom flair, resulting in a dreamy blend of ethereal calm and fiery passion.

Ms. Lee’s sensual faerie-folk and charismatic fantasy heroes people her multicultural mythologies — they stand alone or in pairs, with their aspirations and desires plainly written on their radiant faces. Even her more contemporary figures belong to a cosmopolitan, placeless time.

Whatever the context, Soa’s stunning works will no doubt inspire you with their delicate strength, and inhuman beauty.

Written by in June of 2006. Last edited September 2014.

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  • fermorelli - July 3rd, 2006 at 6:16 pm

    This is very very nice!

  • ana - October 2nd, 2006 at 4:40 pm

    great drawings^^

  • reech - October 22nd, 2007 at 2:41 am

    super good stuff

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