
image by Veronica V. Jones

Aphrodisia’s Fantasy Females

A nude woman with long red hair sits in a magical forest setting.
Daniel Horne
A barbarian woman in a skeletal bird headdress wields a large sword.
A woman in a red leather corest plays with a small demon creature.
Gene Gonzales
A bare-breasted bird woman kisses a parrot.

Aphrodisia, a compendium highlighting the “art of the female form” was recently released by Aristata Publishing. The full-color tome is brimming with a wide array of fantasy, pin-up, and contemporary illustrations, submitted by an equally broad selection of artists.

Works presented in the book were selected by art luminaries Joe Chiodo, Spencer Davis, Frank Frazetta Jr., Greg Hildebrandt, Bud Plant, and editor Craig Elliott.

Several artists appearing in Aphrodisia have been featured here at Lucid Skin, and several newcomers will undoubtedly be seen. A second book is planned, with a call for artists already underway. Fortunately, the female form is an unlimited source of inspiration!

Aristata Publishing’s website seems to have fallen into disrepair.

Written by in January of 2006. Last edited September 2014.

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  • Andy Washnik - May 29th, 2007 at 10:44 pm

    saw your work in create, may/june2007…AWESOME…just had to look 2c if there was more… awesome

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