
A Stylistic Smorgasbord

Jessica Oyhenart

One may imagine the life of an artist being one of leisurely musings and idle pleasure, and while this is most certainly true, that life is also subject to the whimsical demands of a fickle audience. Jessica Oyhenart had deftly navigated the wide and varied tastes of her viewing public by embracing many visual styles in the pursuit of her art.

Ms Oyhenart’s multifaceted approach to rendering mythical figures demonstrates a deep understanding of the width and breadth fantasy artistry offers. She also occasionally explores its seductive power, visualizing sensual entities in various states of languid repose.

With flowing robes, tousled tresses, and shimmering skin, each of the figures she portrays effortlessly project a presence somewhere between commanding and comforting… and at times a bit dangerous. What further fantasy frontiers will Jessica yet explore? Whatever forms her visions take, we are certain to be pleased.

Written by in March of 2019. Last edited March 2019.

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