
Surreal Sensuality

image by Jae Clevella

Seiji Sunada

Dark gray hands grasp at beautiful woman's slender naked body.
A slim woman partially dressed in battle armor stands.
A nude woman with dark hair and pale skin touches an elaborate sculpture.

When an artist shares their craft, the world they reveal is uniquely their own. The characters and environments are a glimpse into their psyche — a revelation of what they most desire, and most fear. We can see that Seiji Sunada has a powerful love for pale, slender women, and a surprising, and slightly dangerous familiarity with the surreal.

In a beautiful union of technology and craftsmanship, Mr Sunada’s lightly-chilled visions are realized with expert surgical precision. Here we find warm, sensual damsels in a type of distress that is more mental that physical.

From surreal scenes of cold glass and warm skin, to warrior waifs in futuristic armor, the combination of beautiful woman and conceptual conflict provides a thread of drama in an otherwise serene series of seductive pinups.

Written by in June of 2010. Last edited September 2014.

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