
Heavy Metal Heroines

image by johnathan darkly

Vebjorn Strommen

An asian woman with perky breasts holding a long sword, and nude below the waist.
A crouching woman naked but for a large sword on her back.
A curvy nude woman wearing spiked armor, wielding a large bow.

Somewhere between the pathos of Wagnerian opera, and the lust and agony of a higher plane of Hell, lie the deliciously barbed beauties and brawny beasts of Vebjorn Strommen.

His dark, brooding damsels of distress prowl a desolate landscape in search of victims, not lovers, but who can deny the raw sexuality of a young woman wearing — and wielding — cold steel?

In addition to his masterful painterly works, Mr. Strommen is also driven to produce 3D models of his dreamy demons. Confusingly, these digital sculptures seem both softer and more lethal. Whatever the style, Vebjorn certainly seems the master of the heavy metal hottie.

Written by in August of 2006. Last edited May 2021.

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  • mike - September 28th, 2006 at 10:11 pm
