
Armored Anime Angels

image by johnathan darkly

Kyounghwan “Tahra” Kim

A naked woman with dark marks on her skin writhes.
A blond woman in bunny ears, an open white shirt, black underwear and a large rifle.
A young elf woman with long black hair and a dark, revealing dress.

Every artist starts with an inspiration, but it’s difficult to see which century calls most powerfully to Kyounghwan Kim. His eclectic collection of darkly demonic divas, classic ladies from the old masters, and viciously combative anime angels form a tangled tapestry of many ages and aesthetics.

One compelling commonality in Mr. Kim’s work is the combination of bountiful bodies minimally restrained by fantastically fetishistic armor — both ancient and futuristic. These sensual women seem equally comfortable in the arts of warfare and seduction.

We await further research from Kyounghwan, to further explore the timeless beauty of his women of war.

Written by in September of 2010. Last edited March 2019.

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