
Sexy Cyborgs

image by johnathan darkly

Paul Richards

A sexy spacewalker is clearly nude in her transparent spacesuit.
A naked cyborg samples a selection of oversized synthetic breasts.
A nude red-skinned woman with large breasts and larger horns.
An blue woman with many breasts and a long tongue licks a large breasted woman wearing VR goggles.
Two scantily clad women with large breasts and large black hats.
A red-skinned naked demon woman conjures a long green, probing force.

With equal parts Quake-inspired horror and Good Girl sexy innocence, Paul Richards plumbs the depths of the gamer psyche, and brings back some truly fascinating artistic artifacts. While he is an accomplished concept artist, many of his true gems are in a prolific series of sketches.

The most striking aspect of Mr. Richards’ immense collection of artwork is not his oodles and oodles of jiggling, feminine figures. Rather, it’s the innovative and disturbing ways he effortlessly flows from seductive innocence to malevolent, formless horror.

Most of his armor-clad cuties are anything but horrible, but a few of Paul’s more compelling works lie somewhere in between delightful and disturbing. Which of his characters will inhabit your fantasies, and which will inhabit your nightmares, can only be determined after the fact.

Written by in February of 2007. Last edited February 2015.

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