
Demonic Damsels

image by johnathan darkly

Corlen Kruger

A buxom woman in a tiny pink bikini cuddles with numerous green tentacles.
A tattooed woman with large breasts, small antennae and a ray gun is accosted by purple tentacles.
A large-breasted demon stands nude, tiny wings downswept.
A dark-haired woman in a leopard print bikini top sits on a tree holding a spear.
A tattooed woman with small red wings in a garter belt and stockings wields a large bloody axe.

Between paradise and damnation lie the delightfully disturbing works of Corlen Kruger. Like a familiar storyline that takes a terrible turn, Mr. Kruger’s pinups frequently feature a beautiful woman, but they frequently find themselves menaced by a multitude monsters… including zombies, tentacled horrors or demons.

When Mr. Kruger isn’t reveling in the erotic exploitation of lovely ladies, he expands his range with an assortment of combative characters, from luscious luchadoras to hip-hop ninja babes. Whatever your pleasure, you’re certain to find plenty of inspiration for your dreams… and nightmares.

Written by in October of 2008. Last edited April 2018.

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