
Torrid Terrors

image by johnathan darkly

Travis Lewis

A woman's face with full lips and running mascara is surrounded by tentacles.
A woman's naked body is surrounded by tentacles.
A naked demon woman sits with wings outstretched.
A slender mermaid sits nude, hugging her lower body.
A naked zombie woman grabs one of her breasts with a bloodied hand.

While there may be some who say they dream in glorious color, we instinctively understand that our darkest, most frightening dreams are painted in shades of black and gray. Mr. Travis Lewis gently reminds us of the nature of our nightmares in his compellingly sinister portraits.

With languid malevolence, his sensuous sirens recall tormented half-remembered visions of dread tinged with desire. Some subjects may more accurately represent innocence corrupted by elder gods or brought low by an uncaring world, but ancient evils are seemingly always at play in Mr. Lewis’ world. Occasional flashes of color can be seen in the gallery, but clearly he is most at home the world of innumerable grays.

Death and decay may be our ultimate fate, but can there an unusual kind of empowerment gained by giving into our darker urges and embracing this chaos? Look carefully among Travis’ creations for the answer.

Written by in May of 2014. Last edited September 2014.

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