
Sweet Horror Honeys

image by johnathan darkly

Serge Birault

A buxom woman with short brown hair wields a chainsaw.
A leather-clad woman with long brown hair, cat ears and large breasts.
A woman in a unzipped wetsuit beckons, with a tentacle between her breasts.

Horror films have been placing ravishing women in close proximity with hideous monsters for over one hundred years, and Serge Birault seems Hell-bent on preserving their perilous plight for time immemorial. Thankfully, his stylish renditions of devilishly distressed damsels are at once respectful of their ancient roots, and subversively modern as well.

With lovingly-distressed proportions and a knowing wink, Mr. Birault’s clever twists on classic horror and pulp themes consistently create playful pinups and portraits that drip with wit and charm. Tentacles must hold a special, clammy place in his heart, but rancid fly-men and lecherous were-squirrels also torment the lovely ladies he paints.

Mixed in with his warm appreciation of these subjects is a thin thread of macabre insanity. yet, while death and danger are never far, they are easily overshadowed by deceptively capable and unbelievably beautiful women that populate Serge’s illustrated fantasies.

Written by in January of 2010. Last edited January 2020.

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  • Jay Hughes - February 13th, 2010 at 11:45 am

    Great images, love the strong haunting eyes.

  • Jeff - March 26th, 2010 at 11:03 am

    Now that I look at them, there might just be a touch of “sad child on velvet” and/or anime in there somewhere. Still compelling!