
Post-Apocalyptic Hotties

image by johnathan darkly

Matt Dixon

A red-haired vampire with huge pale breasts and bloody hands.
An irate, curvy demon woman in a black bikini
An orange-haired blue-skinned fairy sits nude.

Thanks to the undeniable artistic mojo of Matt Dixon, we need not wonder about the outcome of a three-way collision between the worlds of cartoons, horror, and our own little slice of reality.

Mr. Dixon’s disjointed dystopia is rendered in dark shadows and vibrant colors, and is peopled largely with beautiful characters of singular bad-ass attitude, be they post-apocalyptic, vampyric, zombified, demonic or otherwise.

Witness Matt’s humorous, hyper-sexed fusions of the fantastic and the mundane and rejoice: Your impending doom will certainly be the most interesting thing to occur in your otherwise listless existence.

Written by in April of 2009. Last edited September 2014.

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