
Erotic Dark Fantasy

image by johnathan darkly

Jeff Simpson

A pale nude woman with a shadowed face has a large dark bird on her shoulder.
A murkily lit woman with dark, wavy hair descends further into the depths.
A pale naked woman squeezes her breasts with her dagger arm drawn tight to her chest.

Somewhere between twisted daydreams and erotic nightmares, the haunting hussies of Jeff Simpson‘s imagination come slinking into our unsuspecting world.

Through his works, pale skin and shapeless creatures entwine, evoking a peculiar kind of pastoral horror that is both frightening and reassuring. Why do ashen angels float languidly beside cryptic visions and metaphors made real? Only Mr. Simpson can say.

Be they gods, monsters or merely human, Jeff expertly reveals the infinite beauty and ultimate danger of the female form.

Written by in June of 2008. Last edited May 2021.

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