
Gilded Gothic Angels

Rebecca Yanovskaya

A nude woman with short fair hair and large glowing wings stands and bends.
A nude woman stands, revealing leopard-like spots on her face, neck and back.
A nude woman with dark hair and large angelic wings raises her arms.
A cloaked woman with a large scar on her face summons darkness.
a nude woman with large angelic wings stands in awe.

Benevolent spirits have been given many forms over the aeons. For the last few centuries, they have soared on great feathered wings, bathed in an unearthly golden glow. Rebecca Yanovskaya is clearly enchanted… or haunted by these alluring angelic creatures.

Her meticulously illuminated illustrations of angelic figures capture both the agony and ecstasy of the afterworld. They inhabit a world on the edge of dangerous divinity and seductive vulnerability. Ms. Yanovskaya also directs our gaze towards other, slightly less deific beings, but these sorcerers and animalistic specimens also seem lit from a magical force from within.

It is easy to see why such glittering demigods appeal to us mere mortals, with their confident nakedness and incredible power. Those seeking salvation in the arms of an angel should take care, however, as they may realize too late the complexities of the creatures they crave.

Written by in June of 2016. Last edited May 2021.

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