
Deep Dark Fantasy

image by johnathan darkly

Randis Albion

Two naked mermaids press up against each other, in eerie green light.
A pale woman is lit by a glowing golden ring that floats before her, still attached to her thin necklace.
A slender woman in a flimsy dress being slowly drained and turned by two nude vampire women,
A pale winged woman stretches nude while being held by a mortal man.

With a flowing, anime-tinged aesthetic, Randis Albion applies his artistic gifts to a rich variety of gothic dystopias, alternate classical histories, and machine-based mythological marvels.

In Mr. Albion’s distorted visions, biomechanical mermaids writhe in murky solutions and radiant angels seduce the newly dead. The animalistic allure and insidious seduction of vampirism is also explored more than once though his works.

As long as you are prepared to experience the demonic with the beatific, there are many richly-textured treasures to be found within the walls of Randis’ Hyper-Dimensional Fortress.

Written by in December of 2009. Last edited September 2014.

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