
Seductive Spiritualism

image by johnathan darkly

A. Andrew Gonzalez

A radiant woman gazes into the distance.
A man and woman exchange spiritual energies.
A transcendent woman holds her hands to her chest.

The exquisite translucent spirits that grace the canvases of A. Andrew Gonzalez could very well be Seduction and Grace personified. They each radiate with sensual and spiritual energies that propel them silently into an ethereal world of secret passions and cosmic harmonies.

While Mr. Gonzalez is more appropriately classified as a Visionary artist, the unearthly splendor of his creations will undoubtedly appeal to afficianatos of the grander fantasy genre. His true goal, however, seems not to be merely arousing the viewer’s body, but to also stimulate their mind. This is the Tantric philosophy: to celebrate the sensual and sacred act of lovemaking, and through it, achieve spiritual enlightenment.

Rest assured, that you need not be seeking such inner growth to appreciate Mr. Gonzalez’s works. Like many of life’s pleasures, they can be appreciated at many levels.

Written by in December of 2004. Last edited September 2014.

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