
Wonderful Winged Women

image by Veronica V. Jones

Nick Deligaris

A nude women with wings sits chained.
A lovely warrior woman kneels with her giant sword.
A dark-haried fariy sits prettily.
A red-haired woman stands naked, her sword at the ready.

While it’s quite easy to see that Nick Deligaris has an accomplished career in the fields of commercial illustration and 3d modeling, the casual viewer of his site should feel no shame for being drawn to his enticing depictions of winged waifs and alluring angels.

Nestled delicately among the mighty warriors and mightier dragons, Mr. Deligaris has given these delicate creatures the powers of fantasy flight from all manner of the animal kingdom: feathery birds, leathery bats and gossamer insects are all called upon to grace these lovely ladies bare shoulders. They, in turn, grace us with their beauty.

Written by in January of 2009. Last edited September 2014.

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  • Ry - March 26th, 2009 at 10:32 am
