
Gothic Erotica

image by Jae Clevella

Jason “Stuntkid” Levesque

A translucent sea creature seductively extends her tongue.
A naked blue-skinned woman plays with heir hair underwater.
A chalk-pale woman with black hair, ghostly-white eyes and charcoal lips.

Not all Fantasy artists are born. Some may go years satisfying their artistic desires with terrestrial subjects before venturing into the world of makebelieve.

With Jason Levesque, what apparently began as merely a remarkable talent for drawing punk and goth girls at some point expanded into a fuller appreciation of the unreality of mythological creatures and charming chimeras. All of his works, however, share an appreciation of the strange, and take pleasure in finding beauty where society as a whole is often afraid to look.

Many of Mr. Levesque’s most beautiful creatures are nautical in nature, drawing their alien nature from decidedly terrestrial forms. Some of his more recent images might be fantasy explorations of the goth fascination with death and undeath, or they could simply be compelling portraits of women who can no longer tell the difference. After all, there’s plenty Fantasy to be had in our world, if you only know where to look. This is a secret that Jason obviously knows all to well.

Written by in July of 2008. Last edited September 2014.

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