
Sexy Tattooed Elves

image by Veronica V. Jones

Paulo Toledo

A bare-breasted elf woman with Celtic tattoos wields a large sword.
A brightly lit anime girl with a tiny bikini bottom and white strip of cloth across her perky breasts.
A nude fairy with long blond hair chases a glowing object.
Two sexy tattooed elves embrace.

Gifted artists often interpret a familiar subject in unique and surprising ways, producing works that resonate with history, yet shock and confound us. Paulo Toledo is adept at producing such comforting and confusing works, drawing from deep mythological sources to illustrate oddly compelling characters.

With an loving emphasis on enchanting elvish folk, Mr. Toledo imbues new life in many fantasy mainstays with culture-bending fashion and tantalizing tattoos, plus constant experimentation with painterly and anime styles.

Alternate histories have never looked so beautiful!

Written by in August of 2008. Last edited September 2014.

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  • Jo langley - September 22nd, 2008 at 11:40 pm

    your art work is realistic and wonderfull

  • Jeff - October 4th, 2008 at 10:48 pm

    Paulo’s artwork is better than realistic, but I’m sure he appreciates the compliment anyway. 🙂

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