Andrew Hickinbottom

It is the privilege and responsibility of any artist to reinterpret the world around them — not only adding and subtracting from reality, but also making more nuanced adjustments to their unique version of our world. Andrew Hickinbottom seems quite at ease with bending the female figure to his will, in ways both obvious and subtle.
You’ll find his women adorned in science fiction fashions ranging from risqué retro spacesuits to naughty neon Tron-style fetish frocks. Latex catsuits and superhero costumes can also be seen tightly gripping Mr. Hickinbottom’s masterfully-modeled mavens, and you may even be so lucky finding the occasional lady wearing absolutely nothing at all.
With a nod to the Good Girl Art of old, and a sensual comic book sensibility, Andrew consistently captures a vivacious innocence with his virtual ingénues, whatever their costume of choice, or passing playful predicament.
Also visit for additional links to other galleries and prints.
Written by Jeff in June of 2014. Last edited September 2014.