
Curvaceous Comicbook Cuties

Paul H. Way

A shapely woman in a tiny bikini with a large gun on one shoulder and a small monkey on the other.
The heroine Power Girl in a dramatic pose.

Truly, Paul H. Way is one of those rare finds in comic artists: talented, clever, and perverted. It’s usually not hard to find artists with two of these gifts, but Paul uses clean technical lines to render well thought-out characters and worlds… often with themes featuring unexpected twists or unusual combinations. From the eternal fight between werewolves and vampires, to futuristic styles of (un)dress, he always finds a way to make his images fresh, evocative, and just plain cool.

Finally, don’t neglect Paul’s Forum section, either. There’s even more great artwork in there, but you have to dig a little. Many entries show works in various stages of progress, giving a peek into the way he works his comicbook magic. It’s definitely worth the effort to uncover these buried gems. All in all, an outstanding site!

Paul’s once-proud website now redirects to a small hosted gallery. Let’s hope he can rebuild!

Written by in July of 2004. Last edited June 2014.

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  • vincent - May 25th, 2007 at 6:05 pm

    yo paul whats up bro-digging the site-nice!!
    lets do a crossover aye!! savvy??
    contact me…still chill with juan?