
Flights of Female Fantasy

Andrew Hunter

A nude woman with bat wings wields a large dark blade.
A slender woman with large insect wings coyly stands in a skimpy bikini.
A slim nude with small perky breasts and colorful wings anxiously sits.
A shapely blue-haired elf is restrained by two small dog creatures.

While many artists search their entire lives for their ideal female form, a fortunate few have clearly found their perfect preferred ratio of curves to angles; of strength to submission. Andrew Hunter is, however, clearly a man who knows his ideal damsel’s dimensions: his slender damsels have decidedly athletic builds and — frequently — the power of flight.

Mr. Hunter reveals leathery bat-winged demons who hover menacingly and iridescent insect-winged fairies who gently beckon. However different they may seem, each of these lovely ladies are lean, muscular visions of pure beauty. Perhaps their command of the air is a reflection of our common desire to rise commandingly above the fray, or perhaps even to escape it altogether.

Another playfully dangerous, and powerfully sexy focus of Andrew’s artistic attentions is the elfin rouge Bree Starval. In the web comic Delve, she ventures ever deeper into a vast dungeon, recalling a sword and sorcery flavored Little Annie Fannie: frequently in danger, very frequently naked, and always ultimately victorious.

Written by in May of 2012. Last edited September 2014.

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