Kondás Péter

It is not uncommon for an artist to take inspiration from cartoons, but it is rare indeed for them to imbue the characters they illustrate with raw sexual energy while retaining their innocence and charm. Kondás Péter has this singularly uncommon gift.
With wild abandon, he transforms mere cuteness into pure sensuality. Characters from two Star Wars animated series feature prominently throughout Péter’s portfolio: Ashoka Tano and Aayla Secura have never been cuter, or more affectionate. The brief appearance of an alien Marilyn in the film Planet 51 also seems to have resonated deeply with the artist. Even the cartoon classic Smurfette is unable to resist Péter’s desire to expose her tiny blue libido.
However surprising it may be to encounter animated angels in the altogether, you will quickly forget these ladies’ day jobs and appreciate Mr. Kondás’ playful portrayals of their extracurricular exposure-prone escapades.
Written by Jeff in June of 2015. Last edited August 2023.