
Post-Apocalyptic Anime Princesses

image by johnathan darkly

Embrio and Jaysin at DPI Studios

A group of sexy women in fishnet vests, wild hair wielding pistols.
A female vampire prepares to bite the neck of a willing victim.
A slender woman wearing partial armor and a purple mohawk.

As society creeps and lurches into the future, our understanding of the wonders and horrors to come adapts and changes. A wise man once said “The future isn’t what it used to be,” but The creative team of Embrio and Jaysin — founding members of DPI Studios — might just prove Mr. Berra wrong with their retro future world of chrome, mohawks and sexy anime warriors.

Embrio’s gift for drawing wasp-waisted beauties with a Mad Max flair for fashion, and Jaysin’s vibrant colors and silky-smooth tones creatively combine to paint a post-Apocalyptic paradise of sassy, sinuous cyberpunks and supernaturally shapely sorceresses.

However horrific the future may be, take comfort in the knowledge that the harbingers of our doom will have bountiful breasts, impossible abs and lusciously long legs. What a way to go!

Written by in September of 2009. Last edited September 2009.

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  • Darktouch - September 18th, 2009 at 5:23 am

    Just a heads up. The URL is at .net rather than .Com

  • Jeff - September 18th, 2009 at 8:49 am

    Thanks for the catch!

  • Lucid Skin » DPI Studios Blog - September 18th, 2009 at 1:50 pm

    […] wanted to thank Jeff at Lucid Skin for doing a review of our work. If you are a fan of our exotic ladies you’ll probably want to check out Lucid […]

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