Reinaldo “Reiq” Quintero

The older aficionados among us will remember when anime only was a product of Japan. Should anyone still be clutching to this horribly dated misconception, a brief sample of Reinaldo Quintero‘s stunning work will quickly end all doubt that anime is truly a global movement. His luscious ladies, marvelous monsters, and amorous androids are among the most enticing eastern-styled cartoon figures created to date.
In keeping with the style, Mr. Quintero’s subjects defy gravity with their immense breasts, impossible poses and gigantic weaponry. Beset by nightmare creatures and impossible odds, they exude confidence while wearing the most revealing clothing imaginable. A true fan of the form would expect nothing less, and Reinaldo consistently delivers this with a style all his own.
Written by Jeff in June of 2007. Last edited August 2009.
Great artist. Perfect, 10/10
Yeah, he just keeps getting better and better!
Thanks. Perfect…