
Anthropomorphic Angels

Charlie Morrow’s Valcadia

A green-skinned snake woman with large jeweled breasts and a generous posterior.
A pale woman stands naked, snakes writhing around her head
A pale blue female with long blue horns and a large tail.
A black-haired woman with large breasts and many arms wearing a tiny bikini.

As our world grows ever smaller, and far-flung cultures become more accessible than our neighbor next door, it is inevitable that exciting new artistic fusions will arise. Charlie Morrow’s alluring anthropomorphs and lithesome ladies exemplify this visual evolution. They are born of an intermingling of artistic stylings of eastern and western origin, as well as a few more modern flourishes and fetishes.

Time and again Charlie perfectly blends an enticing concoction of human and animal in various proportions, occasionally leaving only a subtle whisper of the beastly qualities he so clearly admires. Most of his stunning subjects, however, are more wildling than woman. All of these captivating creatures — whatever their makeup — are lush, full creations that command our attention and desire.

Charlie’s domain seems to have left us.

Written by in September of 2007. Last edited October 2020.

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  • Revan - September 26th, 2007 at 11:05 pm

    Nice work. I like the myth element.

  • Ricardo - October 10th, 2007 at 3:12 pm

    nice galleries