Croxot’s House of Nudes

Imagine an exotic fantasy setting where a dizzying variety of strong, sensual creatures coexist in peace. Now imagine them without any clothing whatsoever. You are now beholding Croxot’s House of Nudes.
For those seeking familiarity, there is the occasional bare buxom human woman, but the clear majority of denizens of this land are anthropomorphic animals endowed with both agency and arousing attributes. Ruby skinned dragons, towering tattooed orcs, slender insect women and lean scorpion men are all vividly depicted by Ryan’s colorful works.
Do the naked natives of this place inhabit some primordial nudist retreat, or is the environment so gentle that protective garments were never seen as a necessity? Ultimately, we should decided to leave such questions behind and simply enjoy the vibrant visions we’ve been afforded.
Written by Jeff in March of 2017. Last edited March 2019.