
Erotic Fantasy Art

image by johnathan darkly

Tempting Tales of the Erotinomicon

A lovely blond fairy with orange wings and large breasts blows a kiss.
A red-skinned demon licks an anxious naked brunette from behind.
A muscular topless woman with short hair and nipple piercings yanks a blonde with large pink breasts into a kiss.

After what seems like an eon, the twisted caretakers of the Erotinomicon have updated their public display of wickedly erotic fantasy art. The place now seems positively overrun with demented devils, aroused aliens, and fornicating feyfolk.

This ancient tome — so the story goes — documents the sexual excesses of the ages: past, present, and future. You may be amused or enraged by what you find, but be certain that you will never find works of art quite like this anywhere else!

Written by in November of 2007. Last edited September 2014.

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