Angela Sasser

The tales of our ancestors are peopled with noble warriors and troubled wanderers, mythic figures who struggle against terrible odds and cruel twists of fate. Angela Sasser knows these tales, and tells them anew, thought her vibrant works of art.
Among the many tribes of man that grace Ms. Sasser’s gallery, she sprinkles in a choice selection of exotic creatures, including mermaids, ghosts, and angels, as well as beautiful and rare creatures of her own design.
The subtle sensuality of Angela’s characters is undeniable. These women and men need not flaunt their charms, but their allure is evident nonetheless. Let us hope she continues to find her artistic inspiration in the legends of old.
Written by Jeff in December of 2009. Last edited May 2017.
Jeff, I am so very flattered by this review. You’ve picked up on many subtle things I like to think are in my own work, but that many people never pick up on. I’m flattered that you’ve looked deeper. You couldn’t be more spot on in what I’m trying to present in my work. I certainly have no intentions of stopping now when there is still so much left to show and tell!
Thanks for the lovely and astute review.