Tomasz “Morano” Jedruszek

A strange alien woman suggestively sucks a finger. A muscular woman stands in supplication on a small boat. A slender naked woman blows an elaborate horn. A strange winged woman crouches.

Nearly all of the people you have ever encountered strive to be fine, upstanding citizens — Good in the classical sense. But we all instinctively know the one crushing weakness of Good: it’s horribly boring. Tomasz Jedruszek offers a deep catalog of works that is a constant revelation of all that is violent, decadent and exciting.

With somber lighting and dramatic points …read more

George Patsouras

A nude green woman stands with arms wide open. A mermaid with delicate features gazes serenely at the viewer. The Amazon superhero stands defiantly.

Rom’s Darkness et Folly

a leather-clad woman with big breasts and bigger red hair. Ivy from Soul Caliber with huge round breasts and a large butt. A naked blue fairy with stockings and crazy hair.