
Vivacious Vampies

image by johnathan darkly

Tomasz “Morano” Jedruszek

A strange alien woman suggestively sucks a finger.
A muscular woman stands in supplication on a small boat.
A slender naked woman blows an elaborate horn.
A strange winged woman crouches.

Nearly all of the people you have ever encountered strive to be fine, upstanding citizens — Good in the classical sense. But we all instinctively know the one crushing weakness of Good: it’s horribly boring. Tomasz Jedruszek offers a deep catalog of works that is a constant revelation of all that is violent, decadent and exciting.

With somber lighting and dramatic points of view, these pieces have largely served to powerfully illustrate the more sinister roleplaying games. While he covers a wide variety of settings and subjects, dangerous, disturbing visions of feminine grace are merely one symptom of Mr. Jedruszek’s dark world view. Many of these most most sensual subjects are members of ancient vampire clans, but his portraits of the living are no less complex or arousing.

Whatever the status of their immortal soul, Morano’s simmering women are certainly capable of anything.

Written by in January of 2009. Last edited September 2014.

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