
Wicked Fantasy Art

image by johnathan darkly

Rom’s Darkness et Folly

a leather-clad woman with big breasts and bigger red hair.
Ivy from Soul Caliber with huge round breasts and a large butt.
A naked blue fairy with stockings and crazy hair.

What happens when raw anguish is combined with naked sexuality? Add a fevered imagination and wicked artistic talent, and Rom happens. Her torqued, tormented temptresses and lean, languishing lords are certainly the stuff of nightmare, but oh… what delicious suffering they bring!

With her unique perspective and stylistic vision, Rom can make the darkest of nightmares seem attractive… even arousing. Her chitinous fairies loose none of the classic fey charm, yet have a nasty, spiteful edge. Her rotting, posturing undead still radiate a gothic charisma that somehow elude the living. Rom’s dynamic forms are an extreme distortion — perhaps even a mockery — of our aesthetic ideals, yet they still compel us to enter her dark, brooding world.

Written by in November of 2007. Last edited August 2022.

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  • -Rom- - November 15th, 2007 at 7:35 pm

    hi Jeff,
    thank you very much for a such beautiful review!
    and for the comment you’ve left on my site too!

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