
Invertebrate Interloper or Squicky Sweetie

image by johnathan darkly

A Tentacle Runs Through It

A blue-haired elf woman bound in chains is caressed by several long green tentacles.
A naked bound woman with large breasts is pushed towards a mass of green tentacles by a muscular red demon.
A pale woman in a revealing corset licks a thick green tentacle.

Since the Dream of the Fisherman’s Wife, artists have explored the probing, entangling tentacle as a remarkably versatile replacement for the fallible phallus. The resident research illustrators at The Erotinomicon have also been working hard to discover the source of this omnipresent appendage’s power.

Lead limner Jae Clevella’s take on the tantalizing tentacle seems to be one of indifferent interloper at best, and ravenous ravisher at wost. The haughty wenches in his works seem past due for a comeuppance that only a ferocious flock of frisky feelers can deliver.

The lengthy, limber limbs have a kinder, gentler side in they eyes of Johnathan Darkly, however. His tender tenticular tableau are in stark contrast to the punishing penetrations promised elsewhere in the Tome of Lust. Here, they are greeted with loving caresses and gentle kisses.. but this may be the exception that proves the rule.

Whatever your opinion or experience with this invasive invertebrate innovation, you will find it challenged and expanded by these diligent daubers of digital delusions.

Written by in July of 2010. Last edited October 2014.

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