
D&D Divas Done Right

image by Veronica V. Jones

ArtOrder’s Retro Fantasy Romp

Guido Kuip's dark and devious Drow maiden.
Guido Kuip
James Wolf Strehle's blindingly beautiful high Elf.
James Wolf Strehle
Ryan Monastyrski's lean and sexy Tiefling.
Ryan Monastyrski

ArtOrder’s D&D Pin-up Line-up contest is ending tonight, and has revealed a wide variety of fabulous fantasy females as envisioned by an incredibly talented pool of illustrators.

With most every race humanoid race from D&D sourcebooks to choose from, Elves of every color and disposition are the clear favorite. Humans too are well represented among the underclad sorceresses and warriors, as well as a stray gnome, reptile or elemental. The unforeseen popularity of the human-demon hybrid Tieflings was an odd, but welcome sight. Their horns and tails do not diminish their allure.

A few standouts include Guido Kuip‘s dark and devious Drow, James Wolf Strehle‘s blindingly beautiful Elf, and Ryan Monastyrski‘s tempting Tiefling, but there’s far more loveliness to behold on actual thread.

Be sure to check out the challenge page for some compelling — and disturbing — sketches that didn’t make the final deadline.

Written by in May of 2010. Last edited September 2014.

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