Maria “Ketka” Trepalina

Were interstellar aliens to one day make their presence known on planet Earth, we would most likely find them to be not only strange and exciting, but completely incomprehensible. Thankfully, Maria Trepalina has the good graces to tinge her otherworldly creatures with enough humanity to retain a modicum of approachability while retaining their intriguing peculiarities.
Compelling interpretations of mythology, legend and speculation coalesce in alluring and provocative forms, illustrating the inner lives of confident outsiders and wild children of the wasteland. Rich, saturated colors and lean, taut figures dominate Ms. Trepalina’s character designs, each with subtle fantastic flourishes that place them comfortably outside of the mundane vale.
These creations may not always make for pleasant company, it is certain that Maria’s mercurial, cunning creations would never be considered ordinary… and perhaps only a bit incomprehensible.
Written by Jeff in March of 2011. Last edited September 2014.