
Twisted Anime Teases

Andrew Donaldson

A lithe woman with large naked breasts dances with a huge blue serpent.
A dark-haired woman in an unzipped nurse's uniform exposes her large, pale breasts.
Two women wearing cowboy hats press their large breasts against each other.
A woman with huge breasts sits in a disheveled military uniform smokes a cigarette.

Andrew Donaldson wields a wicked digital airbrush, and he uses it to breathe life into a wide variety of brazen anime beauties.

Reviewing his finished art section, you’ll notice that the theme of his work shifts slowly over time. Andrew started out rooted firmly in Eastern culture, and then suddenly turned to the old American west. He expertly demonstrates that women wearing little more than a beat-up 10-gallon hat are far sexier than you might imagine. Then we’re taken to a fantasy realm of luscious angels and bloody vampires, before jumping to modern times, where well-armed but under-dressed women are ready for love and war.

Then things get even more interesting: the most recent evolution in Andrew’s work is a flair for the fetish. Probing police officers and leather biker babes are rendered in lavish color. In other areas of his site, you’ll find sketches and samples of his coloring process.

Of course, there are a few pieces along the way that defy easy classification, but whatever twists and turns lie ahead, you can be sure it’ll involve at least one lovely, very naked woman!

Mr. Donaldson’s disappeared a while ago, surfaced again in 2022 with some unfortunate choice in ah, historical themeing, so there’s no further links here. Sorry.

Written by in September of 2004. Last edited August 2022.

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  • aenstain - December 2nd, 2007 at 7:54 am

    great pictures, i like it