
Full Figured Fantasy

image by Veronica V. Jones

Camila Fortuna

A rubenesque beauty with dark hair and a ribbed corset wears elaborately detailed skull makeup
A generously proportioned demon with dark purple skin sits wearing a gauzy wrap.
A big-bosomed woman with red hair and a flaming arm tattoo sultrily gazes with one large eye.
A plus-sized dominatrix with tentacles for hair and legs suggestively caresses her bullwhip.
An ample, dark purple slime woman seductively pouts.

One of the core principles of the fantasy genre is the exploration of alternatives not found in the mainstream. Happily, this love of diversity has expanded over the years to include one cornerstone of these genre’s artistic expression: The female form. Camila Fortuna continues this newer tradition and ably shows us that powerful women come in all shapes and sizes.

An impossibly eclectic collection of themes are explored within her portfolios; slime girls, mythological rockabilly ladies, multitentacled madams, and a dizzying assortment of demons wearing stockings, corsets, short skirts.. or nothing at all. The only commonality among this assortment of subjects is the playful poses and vibrant hues used to render their images.

While Ms. Fortuna has created this special corner of the web for her most risqué pieces, she has many more slightly more respectable creations on her main website gunkiss.com. Taken as a whole, these works are certain to provide at least as much beauty and variety as anyone could ask for.

Written by in July of 2014. Last edited September 2014.

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