
Tattooed Tribulations

image by johnathan darkly

Erik Jones

A lean woman with bright red hair and many tattoos, including a large eagle with spread wings across her naked chest.

A founding principle of urban fantasy is the alluring premise that a world of magic and intrigue lies just beneath the surface of the our modern world. Erik Jones seems to embrace this odd dichotomy of familiar and fantastic imagery in his passionate portraits of women, mortal and otherwise.

From blood-gorged fashion models to inked-up ingenues, his women represent a subtle, but undeniable blend of model and mythology. From wholly believable renditions of lovely ladies with their hopes and dreams rendered real by a tattooist’s needle, to those whose bodies are transformed or enveloped by their fears and ambitions, Mr. Jones reveals much more about his subjects than their mere physical beauty.

Ultimately, what Erik shows us is a fleeting glimpse of what has been there all along, just beneath the surface, if only we could see it for ourselves.

Mr. Jones’ more recent work is more pop than fantasy these days, and the most comprehensive collection of his work can be found on a popular hosted gallery site.

Written by in July of 2010. Last edited February 2015.

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