
High Fantasy Fashion

image by Veronica V. Jones

Joerg Warda

A fashionable take on the sexy science fiction classic Barbarella.
A well-muscled man eerily floats underwater.
A beautiful veiled woman with bare breasts idly caresses her sword.

The influence of ancient myth and extraterrestrial speculation reaches far wider than many suspect. Evidence of unreality can clearly be seen in the world of high fashion, as illustrated by the excitingly outlandish portraits of Joerg Warda.

Part glamor illustration, part fantasy exploration, a select group of Mr. Warda’s lean, mean women — and men — strike dramatic poses adorned in unearthly garb, and straddle the line between the modern world and far-flung lands.

Past, present or future, Joerg has a sexy supermodel prepared for every occasion. Join them, if you dare.

Written by in August of 2009. Last edited September 2014.

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