
Amorous Alien Advances

image by johnathan darkly

New 3D Animation at The Erotinomicon

A naked Japanese woman embraces a strange blue alien woman in space.
A nude large-breasted Japanese woman clutches a blue alien woman and kisses her.
A blue-skinned alien woman kisses a naked, busty Japanese woman.

Johnathan Darkly has spent many years creating weird, sexy characters, but he’s never let them play together… until now.

Mr. Darkly’s latest animation at The Erotinomicon is the first in a series of progressively more explicit scenes which will expose the deep-space rendezvous of a shapely Japanese explorer and an exotic alien creature.

Jon describes his artistic efforts as 3D hentai, but his characters represent the more realistic end of the anime continuum.

Call it what you will, but you’re not likely to have ever seen anything else quite like it!

Written by in January of 2005. Last edited September 2014.

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  • theONE - March 8th, 2011 at 2:38 am

    i’m sorry but this site is confusing, is this a place that artists upload there artwork? what is this “New 3D Animation at Erotinomiconees” stuff? there is no download link for it.

    There are NO download link for any art or animation so what is the point of the site?

  • Jeff - March 8th, 2011 at 9:46 am

    Art is meant to be experienced. Downloading isn’t always an option. 🙂