Artfully Exposing Velma Dinkley

One of the greatest mysteries the Scooby crew never solved was what the true brains of the outfit — nerd grrl extraordinaire Velma Dinkley — looked like without her trademark baggy orange sweater. While opinions vary, it can be easily said that each possibility is worthy of further study.
We have White Devil‘s depiction of Velma timidly offering a peek of her ample breasts under that sweater or Kike Brike X‘s rendition of her brazenly popping them out for all to see. Orgo speculates further that Ms. Dinkley sports more than a few strategically placed body mods.
Additional research from David Hutchison‘s provides an fortuitous panty shot via a well-placed mirror. Drew Gardner goes out on a limb offering an otherwise-unseen kinky side, as Velma shows a predilection for a familiar piece of canine neckwear.
Whichever your favorite vision of this meddlesome maven may be, take comfort that she has an exceptionally beautiful body as well as a keen analytical mind for mysteries.
Written by Jeff in March of 2014. Last edited September 2014.