
Funky Fantasy Femmes

image by Jae Clevella

Marijn “Supafly” Slot

A nude blonde elf with large round breasts reclines.
A powerful pirate woman with a large pistol and larger exposed breasts stands defiantly.
A sexy nude redhead with large breasts stands in an open robe.

Taking inspiration from sources as diverse as fantasy gaming and street art, Marijn Slot — aka Supafly — revels in a world of over the top, extreme airbrushed energy. In addition to a bevy of everyday divas, he offers us a bounty of badass space pirates, elfin paladins, and cyber warriors, captured in tortured poses sporting lethal armament and precious little clothing.

His hyper-stylized action adventuresses frequently feature slender waists and tremendous breasts seemingly immune to the laws of physics. With Mr. Slot’s expressive artistic ability, they seem more than a match for any adversary the might encounter.

Marijn’s latest site Milo Strain.com shows he’s gone in ‘another direction’ these days, but it’s still a blast!

Written by in April of 2008. Last edited March 2017.

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  • Kitty - April 27th, 2008 at 5:40 am

    He drew two commissions for me, one actually in the slideshow above =)

    Unfortunately, as you can see from the update on his website, he stopped drawing (or at least publicizing) years ago =(

  • Jeff - April 28th, 2008 at 9:22 am

    At least we can enjoy his existing works, while hoping he returns to his art.

  • Marijn Slot - May 27th, 2008 at 12:06 pm

    Hey… I was bored and googled my own name name. Came across this post! I’m still alive and kicking!!

    Although I now consider myself a designer above illustation, some more recent stuff is on display on my new website http://www.milostrain.com. And expect some more illustrations really really soon, because I am working on an actual comic too 😀

    Great to hear my work is still appreciated

  • Jeff - May 27th, 2008 at 12:19 pm

    Those are beautiful designs… a little scary too! Glad to see you’re still making the world a little more interesting!

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