
3D Science Fiction Art

image by johnathan darkly

Hakanai Bi

A shapely woman wields a Japanese sword.
A nude woman floats in a room filled with mirrors.
A robotic powersuit with armored breasts.

Some artists go to extremes in the pursuit of the perfect woman. While some artists are satisfied with a simple pencil sketch, a few must capture every freckle, every eyelash — working until even they are convinced of the reality of their product. Many of these perfectionists become obsessed with these minutiae, and crank out technically accurate, yet lifeless zombies.

Hakanai Bi is a compelling exception.

He creates exquisite models are both perfect and organic — capturing the grace and spirit of the female form. All of the supple curves and slender lines are reflected in Mr. Hakanai’s craft, as are the subtle translucency and variations of human skin. With the addition of playful poses and precise lighting, the illusion of life is complete.

All of these lovely creations, however, are most likely a means to a greater end. The artist known here as Hakanai Bi also has an animation epic in the works: an all 3D version of the anime classic Bubblegum Crisis. Explore his site for more information and artwork related to his imposing project… but pause to appreciate the many works of art he has created along the way.

Sadly, Hakanai Bi’s website is no more.

Written by in May of 2005. Last edited September 2014.

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