
Fantastic Fantasy Pinups

image by Veronica V. Jones

Michal Dutkiewicz

A lovely woman with six arms caresses her naked body.
A beautiful blue mermaid stretches her supple body.
A red-skinned demon woman plays with her ample breasts.

If Michal Dutkiewicz has a favorite genre, visiting his site doesn’t show it. He runs the gamut of history, from pterodactyl-riding barbarian beauties to spacefaring stunners who have evolved beyond the need for clothing. Mr Dutkiewicz also delves into unhistory, offering mermaids, animal-women, and mythological creatures as well… all seemingly intent on our seduction.

As if this were not enough, Michal’s site also features exposed superheroes, a grown-up Alice in Wonderland loosing her inhibitions to the caterpillar’s hooka, and the exploits of a particularly well-endowed demon. The only common theme here is beautiful women from every corner of the universe. Who’s your favorite?

Written by in January of 2006. Last edited July 2022.

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