
Sensually Sinister Surreality

image by johnathan darkly

Mattias Snygg

A nude woman sits as she is slowly drawn into a starry night sky.
A bloody man sneers and stands unsteadily, his torso open and organs oozing out.
a naked woman sits admiring cave paintings.
A naked gore-covered woman holds a rabbit's head by the ears.
A naked man stands proudly, his head obscured or transformed by darkness

Figure studies are a critical tool for artists hoping to hone their skills on human anatomy. It seems, perhaps, that the forms seen by Mattias Snygg are warped and obscured by unseen forces or have partially slipped into alternate dimensions.

Nestled quietly amongst the vivid character portraits and the immersive landscapes, Mr. Snygg takes the occasional detour into a disturbingly enticing realm of sensuality and surrealism. Deliberately posed bodies warped by unknowable forces or subjected to ghastly acts… all while retaining some semblance of a soul.

It is difficult to say which is the more disturbing prospect: that these tortuous forms actually posed for a session, or that they exist solely within the artist’s psyche. Whichever is more true, the result is an unsettling mix of the raw beauty and refined horror that is humanity.

Written by in August of 2014. Last edited September 2014.

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