Sean Harrington

When viewing an artists work, you are frequently witness to another entire world where the rules and expectations of your normal existence no longer apply. Sean Harrington‘s world is an extremely dangerous one, filled with swords, guns, explosions, knock-down drag-out brawls, and women…. lean, lethal women.
A world of beautifully airbrushed assassins and lethally oiled operatives awaits, leaving little but decimation in their wake. Mr Harrington’s obvious regard for women and combat occasionally expresses itself in hand-to-hand and breast-to-breast combat, and while one lovely lady is invariably bested, we are always victorious for having witnessed such a seductive example of erotic fisticuffs.
Why are these heavenly hardbodies wearing cutting edge lethal weaponry and little else? I would wager anyone foolish enough to ask was never heard from again. Odds are also that they died with a smile on their face.
Written by Jeff in January of 2018. Last edited January 2018.